Video GAEB-Vergleich

Tender-Compare is a software program, that compares two Specifications (BoQ’s) item for item, then visualises the differences within each item and calculates the percentual conformity.

To achieve the perfect result, you have different settings, that you can set individually. You can decide which items/fields should be compared against each other and how. You can even give certain fields that are most important for you a higher weighting than other fields to get a more accurate conformity. Leistungsverzeichnisse detailiert vergleichen

Tender-Compare is a perfect tool for ...


Constructors / Craftsmen

Producers / Trade

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Program functions Lite-Version Pro-Version
Import formats
- GAEB-90
Compare Criteria
- Reference Number
- Order
- Accordance
- Automatic
- Manually
Compare methods
- by char
- by word
- by line
Compare options
- adjust OZ-Format
- adjust units
- Case Sensitive
- replace Umlauts
- replace double spaces
- replace spacelines
other options
- select compared fields
- create own Templates
- select own navigation views
- synchronised result list
- Chart pie result, slide show
- print result protocol
- English Version

  GAEB-Vergleich Download
System requirements:
operating system: Windows 7 and higher
Microsoft Framework: .Net 4.5.2 and higher
supported Formats: GAEB-90 (D81-D86), GAEB-XML. (X81-X86)